
Monday, May 13, 2013

I am no one else but me.

I'm not one to let a controversial topic that peaks my interest go without my two cents. Although this topic is not very controversial (or at all even) I wanted to speak on it. I'm a twenty-something year old woman, trying to figure out life and establish myself in the world. I go out, I date, I do things my mother wouldn't necessarily be too proud of. Now, I know am not the only woman out there living this life, which is exactly my point. Why is it that media outlets are trying pick and point out "voices of our generation?" I mean, I love following celebrity news and I'm not afraid to admit that. But I do understand that while we do have things in common, they do not speak for me and the things I do. Lena Dunham decides to show her tits and that means she's liberating all women in their twenties across the nation? I don't think so. Not only do I not watch her show, but I do not know her personally. I don't know what kind of person she truly is. Which means I can't agree that she represents me. I am no one else but me. And neither are you. People, women especially, have been more focused imitating these celebrities than being their own selves. Jennifer Lawrence may be the latest obsession in the "real girl" movement, but when we start trying to be her, that makes us fake to who we truly are.

I'm not letting these gossip columns tell me "Why so-and-so is who you want to be." Be you.

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