
Sunday, January 29, 2012

Be more of an adult.

Why do I have to live with the most inconsiderate people on Earth?....

Okay, maybe they aren't the most inconsiderate people on Earth, but I'm sure they'd be in the top 20. Screaming, stomping, blasting music on Sunday night? Knowing they have a roommate that needs sleep because of classes tomorrow. The sensible thinking side of me says they are just childish and don't have an understanding of the world around them or how their actions effect others. However, the more paranoid side of me (which is the side that runs this blog) thinks it's all revenge.

See, me and my roommates aren't on the best of terms. Scratch that; me and one of my roommates aren't on the best of terms. The other two are just too spineless and unable to think on high level for themselves to do things on their own merits. The overall story on why we aren't that cool anymore is pretty simple. She wants an apology for something she did to me because she didn't like my reaction. Hmm... The more and more I think about it, the more I get content with my decision to not apologize. It's not a pride thing, really, even though it may seem that way. This unfriendship has been months in the making, and the most recent situation was just the last straw. And quite frankly, I'm tired of being the only one making strives to make things better. Last time I checked, I wasn't in a friendship with myself. So why should only one person put in all the effort to make something work?

That's why I decided to just walk away. I'm not sure if she's still expecting an apology from me. I kind of feel bad if she is, because it's not happening. I do still plan to be cordial. Even though she's not cordial with me (i.e., ignoring me whenever I talk to her, pretending I don't exist). One of my New Year's Resolutions was to be more of an adult. That means letting go of high school behaviors. Stop being catty and vengeful. And just move on when the situation calls.

It's hard, I know. When I was in high school, I was so pumped to leave and get older. But when you get into the swing of things, it's hard to venture out of that comfort zone. But I'm going to do it. No matter how hard it is, because I made a promise to myself. And, when no one else wants to be, I'm always there for me. So I can't let me down.

Within yourself.

Why are people so needy?

We all have our moments, right? Those moments when we feel like we, on our own, aren't good enough so we need someone to make us us, but an improved version of ourselves; "Yes, I'm fine on my own, but when I'm with *insert name here* I'm twenty-times more fun, likable, easy-going, etc."  But, how does it get to the point where that need is doing a two-step along the line separating it from being clingy. I mean, how much neediness is acceptable before we aren't confident enough to be on our own.

Don't get me wrong, having friends that bring out the best in you is great. I know for a fact that when I'm around my bestie I feel like an enhanced version of myself. But what startled me recently is that I realized that I wasn't sure how to tap into that same feeling when he wasn't around. How do I get there without him by my side? Do I need to find someone else to help me? Do I just face the fact that I can't be as good as I can be?

No. We need to snap out of this mindset. You don't need someone to make you the best you that you can be. It's inside of us. The other person is just a placebo. You are a party within yourself. The other person is just decoration. They make you look better, yes, but when you take them away, you're still a blast to be around. So let it show.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Life in a zoo...

Ahh...the alluring sound of waking up to the screech of monkeys and baboons is something to be envied. Life in a zoo is magical... Oh, wait... I almost forgot, I don't live in a zoo. Hmm, it's funny how much three girls can sound like a pack of monkeys who are defending their territory. Sometimes I wonder if it would be quieter there, in a zoo. At least the monkeys wouldn't be right outside my door. And I'm sure that even they would tire eventually.

Apparently, I'm suppose to just deal with this. Let it ride. Because if I go in there and say, "Hey, bitches, you woke me up for the third time this week with your howling," I would be in the wrong. Question: Why should I, hell, why should any of us be courteous to people who are not courteous to us? Okay, I'll admit that my approach may be a little harsh, (calling girls bitches doesn't usually fly well) but hey, being awoken violently from a peaceful slumber will make the most bubbly of you turn sour.

So, did you answer the question? I'm serious. What's with this whole PC thing that was have to be outstanding people all over the time? Admit it. You have thoughts about doing things to people that your mother would most certainly not approve. Welcome to The Norm. Here, people don't judge you on your negative thoughts because we all have them. You are completely free to bask in the ambience of your honest thoughts and feelings. Population is zero. Tourism is scarce.

I would love to hear people's honest thoughts about anyone in their life. Me; I personally would love it if the girls I live with all lost their voices for a week...

Sorry, I think I got caught up in that moment of blissful thought. I don't think that makes me a bad person. I think it makes me human, and it makes you human too to not love everything about everyone. And human is something we should all stride to be, not monkeys or baboons...

Monday, January 23, 2012

Starting with a vengeance...

I'm not really one for introductions, so I'm not gonna give much of one. But basically I'm starting this blog to keep up with the daily happenings in my life. And to have a place to rant about my life and the people in it. If you aren't into hearing a bitch-fest, hey, I don't blame you. This blog isn't about that. A day in the life of me will entertain you. It will prove to be very interesting... Or at least I think so... I'm not a conceited person for the most part. I'm just not afraid to say that I think the things I go through on a regular basis would make a great movie.